
Incident Reporting Software

Marine Week Boston, 2010: Bell-Boeing MV-22B Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft kicking up a cloud of smoke from the engines before taking off from Boston Common

WSI Claims 'Critical Mass' for Turbulence-reporting System – Aviation International News

Aviation International NewsWSI Claims 'Critical Mass' for Turbulence-reporting SystemAviation International NewsWeather and flight-planning firm WSI believes it has achieved a “critical mass” of daily aircraft reports to its turbulence-alerting system in North America, giving airlines that subscribe to the service a way to reduce their exposure to turbulence …and more »

Hak5 – Cisco Linksys Cloud Monitoring and the DHS reports …

This time on the show, Mountain Top WiFi Shootout! Plus,
Facebook vs. Your Address Book, The Department of Homeland Security
reports on US cyber incidents, the ACLU releases covert police
recording apps and Cisco Linksys snoops on your Internet traffic. All
that and more on this special Smartphone Field Trip episode of Hak5!

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And let's not forget to mention that you can follow us on Http://www.twitter.com/hak5 and Http://www.facebook.com/technolust, Http://revision3.com/hak5/follow to the show and get all your Hak5 goodies, including the infamous wifi-pineapple over at Http://hakshop.com . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Marine Week Boston, 2010: Osprey getting ready to take off (montage)

Obama seeks $14 billion to boost US cybersecurity defenses – Reuters

ReutersObama seeks $14 billion to boost US cybersecurity defensesReutersThe funding would support several specific programs, such as monitoring and diagnostics of federal computer networks, the EINSTEIN intrusion detection and prevention system and government-wide testing and incident-response training. "Cyber threats …

Moogsoft Reports 970 Percent Year-Over-Year Growth in Sales Revenue

Moogsoft, the leading provider of operational intelligence for the new era of IT, today announced that its Incident.MOOG service is now in production across more than one million servers and network elements …


Posted in Security Guard Management Software.