California Is First State to Adopt Sex Reassignment Surgery Policy for Prisoners – New York Times
California Is First State to Adopt Sex Reassignment Surgery Policy for PrisonersNew York TimesCalifornia's prisons already provided hormone therapy to transgender inmates, but experts said the Quine settlement was the first time any state had agreed to taxpayer-funded surgical reassignment for an inmate. The new … A string of lawsuits around …and more »

INTERVIEW: Could a prison escape happen in Michigan?
An unusual public fight between a New York charter school network and PBS – Washington Post
Washington PostAn unusual public fight between a New York charter school network and PBSWashington PostA rather unusual public fight has erupted over a PBS NewsHour piece by longtime correspondent John Merrow about the Success Academy Charter School network in New York City, which was founded in 2006 by former City Council member Eva … Director of the …and more »