Rikers Inmates Stop Prisoner From Raping Guard In Heroic Rescue – Huffington Post
Rikers Inmates Stop Prisoner From Raping Guard In Heroic RescueHuffington PostThe 290 pound inmate is serving a 5-to-10-year sentence for raping a 13-year-old. Multiple sources told the Daily News that Young entered the watch post after he claimed he needed to get a mattress in another room and had to go through the post to get it.Rikers Island Inmates Save Female Prison Guard From Being RapedHip-Hop Wiredall 50 news articles »

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2 Rikers Island guards, 20 inmates busted for smuggling; 10 more guards face … – New York Daily News
New York Daily News2 Rikers Island guards, 20 inmates busted for smuggling; 10 more guards face …New York Daily NewsMore than 20 inmates were busted Tuesday on a variety of charges in an ongoing sweep of corruption at Rikers Island, city officials said. In an unprecedented crackdown on smuggling at the violence-prone jail, authorities launched an eight-hour search …and more »
Police ignored alarm in jewel heist
British police investigating a spectacular heist in the heart of London's jewelry district said Friday they knew a burglar alarm went off but didn't respond.