Birth of a shadow doctrine: How a small group of lawyers launched a war … – Salon
SalonBirth of a shadow doctrine: How a small group of lawyers launched a war …SalonThe National Security Agency was given the green light to eavesdrop on wiretapped conversations between American citizens and foreigners—even without a warrant—despite the fact that Congress had explicitly passed a law limiting this wiretapping to …

How to take off a security tag-the hard way!!!
Stupid gap store forgot to take off security tag. I didn't want to drive an hour to get it off so i did it myself and got a few injuries in the process.
Prison system high priority in legislative session –
Tallahassee.comPrison system high priority in legislative“I've been diverting salary dollars to fix roofs and do inmate clothing and the fixed capital outlay, the food-service contracts. “Those vacancies were held on purpose to use those salary dollars for … Since the failure of a prison-privatization bill …
Here Are 7 Amazing Things Music Stars Ask for in Their Dressing Rooms (timeblogs)
No bananas. No carnations. And definitely no American beer.
Mum, 54, jailed for smuggling heroin into killer son's top security prison
Respectable charity worker and NHS volunteer Janet Richardson had her life "destroyed" by her son Graham who was "still pulling her strings" from his cell, Durham Crown Court heard.