The Hot Designer Who Hates Fashion: VK Nagrani Triumphs His Own Way – Daily Beast
Daily BeastThe Hot Designer Who Hates Fashion: VK Nagrani Triumphs His Own WayDaily BeastHe is the founder and designer of New York-based luxury menswear brand VK Nagrani, who has recently expanded his fashion empire from socks and underwear to making suits, jackets and shirts. But that question … He graduated into fashion after quitting …
Oath Keepers Station Themselves on Ferguson's Rooftops; Police Order Them to Stop (Reason Magazine – Hit and Run)
St. Louis County clamps down on volunteer patrols.
CorpIS – "Intelligence & Security Course for Executives …
For enquiries, please contact CorpIS at Http://www.corpis.org
Para inscrições, contactar CorpIS via Http://www.corpis.org
CorpIS – "Curso de Informações e Segurança para Executivos, Media e ONGs" (Portuguese)
Prepares COMPANIES for engaging new markets, to implement research and strategic analysis in the organization and to detect opportunities or corporate Intelligence and Security threats.
Prepares EXECUTIVES for personal or corporate Intelligence and / or Security threats when at home or abroad. Individual resistance and resilience test. "Leader Detection" with group resistance and resilience tests.
The MEDIA and NGO professionals are an easy and attractive target for every organization that wants to obtain information ahead of publishing, identify your sources or just exercise some kind of pressure on public opinion.
Given by former Intelligence Officers, Special Forces and other experienced professionals of other areas, it will give you the most important tools to know how to detect and avoid every type of risk and in different scenarios.
Coming soon.