How To Configure Home Security Systems for The Best Security – BestTechie
BestTechieHow To Configure Home Security Systems for The Best SecurityBestTechieThat rate translates to a total of 8.3 million property crimes, of which 1.7 million are burglary cases reported in 2014. Your first line of defense is having a wireless home security alarm system that can continuously monitor trouble situations even …

Wireless Security System: Pro-level security that's a …
Alarm systems send LRPD, LRFD on thousands of false calls – KATV
Alarm systems send LRPD, LRFD on thousands of false callsKATVLittle Rock police respond to nearly 140,000 calls for service every year, and so far in 2015 – more than 17,000 of those calls were due to falsely tripped alarm systems. "It takes two officers to respond when you have a burglar alarm, whether it be a …