Modeling years gave Scott Brown an early boost – Boston Globe
Boston GlobeModeling years gave Scott Brown an early boostBoston GlobeBut in a contest in which personal biography has figured large, Brown's roughly seven years of work as a model, a rare resume item for a politician, have received scant attention from the Democratic women he has squared off with, Elizabeth Warren and …Modeling years gave Brown an early boostBoston.comall 3 news articles »
Horror on the Hill
OTTAWA — It was a sunny, mild day in mid-December, and the sounds coming from the Confederation Room on Parliament Hill were joyous. Parliamentary press gallery reporters and their children were on the Hill for the annual kids Christmas party. There was a clown, face-painting and lots of.
For Halifax woman, daughter's drug problem is generational – The Patriot Ledger
For Halifax woman, daughter's drug problem is generationalThe Patriot LedgerThe photo shows her whole family, including her late father and 23-year-old daughter, everyone wearing formal clothes and smiles. “She looks good in this picture, but I have no idea what she looks like now,” Simpson said of her daughter. “I don't think …and more »