
Guardian Security Services

Gun Barrel Proof House, Banbury Street, Digbeth - 10 mph sign

Why Jonathan Freedland Isn't Fit to be the New Editor-in-Chief of the Guardian – CounterPunch

Why Jonathan Freedland Isn't Fit to be the New Editor-in-Chief of the GuardianCounterPunchPlus: Jeffrey St. Clair on Satire in the Service of Power; Chris Floyd on the Age of Terrorism and Absurdity; Mike Whitney on the Drop Dead Fed; John Wight on the rampant racism of Clint Eastwood's “American Sniper;” John Walsh on Hillary Clinton and …and more »

Gun Barrel Proof House, Banbury Street, Digbeth - These Premises are Burglar Alarmed

Could Silicon Valley stop online terrorist recruitment? – San Francisco Chronicle

Could Silicon Valley stop online terrorist recruitment?San Francisco Chronicle“But when individuals flag up problems, only a third of it is taken down,” he told European parliamentarians, the Guardian reported. Facebook says it makes it easy for people to … “Permitting U.S. Commercial interests to simply ignore vital national …and more »

UK Surveillance Consultation Suggests It Is End-Point Security, Not Encryption, That Cameron Wants To Subvert (Techdirt)

A few weeks ago, we reported on David Cameron's apparent call to undermine all encryption in the UK. But as we noted then, it was not clear from his offhand remark what exactly he meant, or how he planned to implement the idea. A new consultation document on the legal framework of surveillance in the UK provides a clue, as spotted by The Guardian: _
> Britain's security services have acknowledged they have the worldwide capability to bypass the growing use of encryption by internet companies by attacking the computers themselves.

The Home Office release of the innocuously sounding "draft equipment interference code of practice" on Friday put into the public domain the rules and safeguards surrounding the use of computer hacking outside the UK by the security services for the first time.

The publication of the draft code follows David Cameron's speech last month in which he pledged to break into encryption and ensure there was no "safe space" for terrorists or serious criminals which could not be monitored online by the security services with a ministerial warrant, effectively spelling out how it might be done.
_ That certainly makes sense. As Edward Snowden said during …

Apple extends two-factor authentication to FaceTime and iMessage

Apple recently extended its two-step verification protections to two more services. The SMS-based security measure now covers FaceTime and iMessage in addition to iCloud and your Apple ID, as first reported by The Guardian.


Posted in Home Security Companies.