Israel-Palestinian Security Ties Unravel as Peace Hope Dims – Bloomberg
Israel-Palestinian Security Ties Unravel as Peace Hope DimsBloombergPalestinian security officers, members of the Palestinian National Authority, stand guard at their headquarters in the West Bank town of Jenin. The Palestinian security forces include 30,000 personnel in the West Bank and 34,000 in the Gaza Strip.and more »
Peter Beinart Attacks Elie Wiesel – New York Observer
New York ObserverPeter Beinart Attacks Elie WieselNew York ObserverGo visit the families of the four murdered Jews in Paris, or the four people murdered in a Jewish museum in Brussels or the Jewish security guard mowed down in Copenhagen. Get them to sign on to your thesis of Jewish omnipotence and the need to curb it.and more »
The Race to Replace Bitcoin
An epic battle between two bitcoin 2.0 contenders grips the crypto world.