
Hilton Victoria British Columbia

Power restored to thousands after outages across BC – CTV News

CTV NewsPower restored to thousands after outages across BCCTV NewsVANCOUVER – The power is back on in homes across British Columbia after harsh weather and strong winds left thousands in the dark. Mora Scott of BC Hydro says 30,000 customers reported an outage at the height of the storm on Sunday. She says powerful …and more »

Nika Guilbault Delivers Twins By Herself In Husband's Pickup Truck – Huffington Post Canada

Nika Guilbault Delivers Twins By Herself In Husband's Pickup TruckHuffington Post Canadanika guilbault. A B.C. Mom says she was too busy to be worried when the twins she was carrying decided it was time, as her husband sped down the highway toward the hospital in Kamloops. Nika Guilbault lives in Sorrento, B.C. About an hour's drive from …and more »

The question is whether he’s a murderer': Security guard could face charges for McDonald’s shooting

'There's no doubt that he's a killer,' criminal lawyer David Butt says of the security guard who shot the men. 'The question is whether he's a murderer.'


Posted in Security Guard British Columbia.