Investigators examine fire that severely burned Fresno captain – Fresno Bee
Investigators examine fire that severely burned Fresno captainFresno BeeFive teams — local, state and private investigators — are looking into the fire that blazed below where Dern fell through the roof and into flames below. Among things being investigated are firefighter tactics and procedures. In an effort to clear …and more »
Cold case detective probes recent G.R. Murders – WZZM
Cold case detective probes recent G.R. MurdersWZZMA previous federal grant prevented the Cold Case Team from having private laboratories conduct DNA tests. The new grant allows for outsourcing and will also fund overtime and travel costs. Rahinsky, an advocate of community policing, said he wants to …and more »
Jewelry expert testifies in $20M insurance fraud case; mansion burned 3 times in 5 years
DOYLESTOWN, Pa. – A local GOP fundraiser charged in a $20 million insurance scheme after three mansion fires in five years cursed and discussed the Mafia while meeting with a jewelry appraiser about her …