Jim Krumel: Blind his entire life, Lima youth can now see – Lima Ohio
Lima OhioJim Krumel: Blind his entire life, Lima youth can now seeLima OhioEveryone looks alike all dressed in blue shirts and white pants. I felt like a lost soul … Driving home from his job as a security guard at the University of Northwestern Ohio, he came across a woman lying in a ditch with a man shouting at her …and more »

You Betta Back It Up! – C'mon Black People! – Ghetto Mom …
What It's Like to Attend a Climate Denial Conference – Pacific Standard
What It's Like to Attend a Climate Denial ConferencePacific StandardI was not, but apparently my checked shirt has blown my climate-believer cover. Speaking of blowing covers, it's worth noting that Heartland … A security guard gives him a stern talking to, but allows him to stay. 9:17 I rub my hands together to keep …and more »