
Security Tags

Image from page 99 of "Twenty years among the bulls and bears of Wall street" (1870)Learning Portfolio 3 | Suzanneoldfield's Blog

Cyber attack could cost Sony studio as much as $100 million – Business Insurance

Cyber attack could cost Sony studio as much as $100 millionBusiness Insurance(Reuters) — Sony Corp.'s movie studio could face tens of millions of dollars in costs from the massive computer hack that hobbled its operations and exposed sensitive data, according to cyber security experts who have studied past breaches. The tab …and more »

Beyond Extreme Energy: Protesting at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in DC (Inhabitat)

It's cold outside. I forgot my gloves and now it's time to go. The arrestees practice outside the church, locking themselves into their lockboxes, as I pretend a nearby flowering plant is a security guard. I'm the distraction and I need to give them at least.

Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals Review

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Posted in Retail Security.