Organic Certification Is Costly, but Help Is on the Way for Athens Farms – Flagpole Magazine
Organic Certification Is Costly, but Help Is on the Way for Athens FarmsFlagpole MagazineAlthough agriculture is the leading industry in Georgia, less than one percent of the state's farms are organic. As of December 2014, there were merely 70 certified organic farms in Georgia. Georgia does have a larger number of Certified Naturally …
Oklahoma's Civil Air Patrol Looks To Renew Certification – news9.com KWTV
News9.com KWTVOklahoma's Civil Air Patrol Looks To Renew Certificationnews9.com KWTVFlying high on the Oklahoma standard, Major David McCollum is just one of more than 700 members of the Civil Air Patrol's Oklahoma wing. "We're right out there with everyone else," said Major McCollum. It's a cost-effective volunteer unit that exists …and more »
New composite material promises to displace imports from outside Europe
High-end furniture at low cost might soon become reality thanks to a new composite material developed under the LIMOWOOD project.