How the Rest of Asia Reacted to US Navy Patrol Near China's Man-Made Island – The Diplomat
The DiplomatHow the Rest of Asia Reacted to US Navy Patrol Near China's Man-Made IslandThe DiplomatAfter months of hand-wringing, on October 27 the U.S. Navy finally began to assert its right to patrol within 12 nautical miles of at least some of China's reclaimed features in the Spratly Islands. Observers … But it is important to not lose sight …and more »

US Airways (American Airlines) A330 Business Class …
Michigan hospitals rank 21st in patient safety report: 19 get 'A;' 3 hospitals … – Crain's Detroit Business
NewzyMichigan hospitals rank 21st in patient safety report: 19 get 'A;' 3 hospitals …Crain’s Detroit Business“Michigan has a number of excellent hospitals that consistently provide safe care to their patients,” said Bret Jackson, president of the Economic Alliance for Michigan, which is the Leapfrog Group's regional coordinator. … Five other hospitals in …Stormont-Vail HealthCare Earns 'A' in Fall 2015 Hospital Safety ScoreThe Weather SpaceColorado hospitals get high marks for safetyinside KOREAThe Villages Regional Hospital receives 'A' grade for patient safetyNewzyall 114 news articles »