Does America Still Want the American Dream? – The Atlantic
The AtlanticDoes America Still Want the American Dream?The AtlanticIt will have 400 stores and restaurants, a DreamWorks-themed amusement park and waterpark, an indoor ski slope (that's the orange snout), an aquarium, mini-golf course, and theater. … He and his four sons had then moved inland to capitalize on the …

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Tennessee suspect, who was armed with hatchet and gun, found dead in theater – KABC-TV
KABC-TVTennessee suspect, who was armed with hatchet and gun, found dead in theaterKABC-TVA man armed with a hatchet and a pellet gun unleashed a volley of pepper spray at audience members inside a movie theater Wednesday before being fired at by a police officer and shot dead by a SWAT team as he tried to escape out a back door, police …and more »