Who were the Paris attackers? Many crossed officials' radar – WSIL TV
WSIL TVWho were the Paris attackers? Many crossed officials' radarWSIL TVAbaaoud was also suspected of involvement in several thwarted attacks this year, including on a church in the Parisian suburb of Villejuif, and possibly an attempted attack on a high-speed train when three Americans tackled a heavily armed man. … He …AP News in Brief at 11:59 pm ESTWichita EagleBrussels hunkers down amid warning of Paris-style threatBloomington Pantagraphall 10,501 news articles »

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US faces new ISIS threat in wake of Paris attacks – KVAL
US faces new ISIS threat in wake of Paris attacksKVAL"They appear to be focusing on soft targets," said Dean Alexander, director of the Homeland Security Research Program at Western Illinois University. For western societies that pride themselves on openness and freedom, the danger to … If a suspect …and more »