Why pro baseball players will earn an average of $4 million-plus this year – Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science MonitorWhy pro baseball players will earn an average of $4 million-plus this yearChristian Science MonitorAnd the average U.S. Wage in 2013, the latest figure available, was $44,888, according to the Social Security Administration, up 1.28 percent from 2012. "It isn't just the TV deals," union head Tony Clark wrote in an email to the AP. "From the parity …and more »
Agent's Take: Everything you need to know about trading Adrian Peterson – CBSSports.com
CBSSports.comAgent's Take: Everything you need to know about trading Adrian PetersonCBSSports.comMuch of the 2012 NFL MVP's displeasure reportedly is with team executive Kevin Warren, who was promoted from general counsel to chief operating officer in February. Peterson is under the impression that Warren was … The $46 million in the three …and more »
Average MLB Salary Tops $4 Million
The average salary when opening day rosters are finalized on Sunday will break the $4 million benchmark for the first time, according to a study of all major league contracts.