IAHSS Survey Reveals Healthcare Statistics – PR.com (press release)
PR.com (press release)IAHSS Survey Reveals Healthcare StatisticsPR.com (press release)The new research study was conducted in 2010 to collect information on trends in crime since a similar IAHSS survey on crime was completed in 2004. The survey included identical questions and definitions of crime taken from the Department of Justice's …and more »

Tactical Driving for close protection officers (Bodyguard …
7 Signs A Weapon Is Being Concealed – Campus Safety Magazine
Campus Safety Magazine7 Signs A Weapon Is Being ConcealedCampus Safety MagazineStudies indicate there is no reliable profile of the weapons violator. People who carry and use weapons unlawfully are white, Latino, Asian or any other race or ethnicity. They are male or female. They wear expensive clothing, including tailored suits …and more »