BC storm puts Courtenay, Delta in state of emergency, thousands without power – CBC.ca
CBC.caBC storm puts Courtenay, Delta in state of emergency, thousands without powerCBC.caThe second wave of a powerful subtropical storm pounded the southern coast of B.C. On Tuesday morning, leading Courtenay and Delta to declare a state of emergency and leaving thousands without power. While the storm eased off during the afternoon in …
Millions of Spiders Seen In Mass Dispersal Event In Nova Scotia (rss.slashdot)
Freshly Exhumed writes A bizarre and oddly beautiful display of spider webs have been woven across a large field along a walking trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. "Well it's acres and acres; it's a sea of web," said Allen McCormick. Prof. Rob Bennett, an expert on spiders who works at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, BC, Canada, said tiny, sheet-web weaver spiders known as Erigoninae linyphiidae most likely left the webs. Bennett said the spiders cast a web net to catch the wind and float away in a process known as ballooning. The webs in the field are the spiders' drag lines, left behind as they climb to the top of long grass to be whisked away by the wind. Bennett said it's a mystery why these spiders take off en masse.
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Trans Canada Trail, Kootenay-Rockies, British Columbia
Explore the Trans Canada Trail in British Columbia's Kootenay Region with Bruce Obee, author Trans Canada Trail – British Columbia, the official guide.