"Insights Conversations: Cybersecurity" – JD Supra (press release)
"Insights Conversations: Cybersecurity"JD Supra (press release)For example, boards should consider asking the chief information security officer to prepare regular reports to the board and present them in person at least annually so the board has the opportunity to ask follow-up questions. … 2, 2014)), the court …
Horror on the Hill
OTTAWA — It was a sunny, mild day in mid-December, and the sounds coming from the Confederation Room on Parliament Hill were joyous. Parliamentary press gallery reporters and their children were on the Hill for the annual kids Christmas party. There was a clown, face-painting and lots of.
Cannabis comes to Las Vegas: Answering your burning questions about … – Las Vegas Sun
Las Vegas SunCannabis comes to Las Vegas: Answering your burning questions about …Las Vegas SunNevada is the only state in the country that will recognize medical marijuana cards from other states. Patients from California, Arizona and anywhere else medical marijuana is legal will be able to shop at Nevada dispensaries while visiting. Supporters …and more »