Marine Corps develops futuristic UAV capabilities – Marine Corps Times
Marine Corps TimesMarine Corps develops futuristic UAV capabilitiesMarine Corps TimesThe development only serves to highlight the importance of the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab's UAV work. Capt. Adam Thomas, the project officer for the Warfighting Lab's Aviation Combat Element Branch, said the threat once considered futuristic could …
Mental illness stalls case of bomb outside Detroit building – Lynchburg News and Advance
Lynchburg News and AdvanceMental illness stalls case of bomb outside Detroit buildingLynchburg News and AdvanceIt was brought inside by a security guard but treated as lost property and stashed under a lobby desk. Three weeks passed before the bag was X-rayed and destroyed at an island in the Detroit River. "It wasn't the type of bomb that was going to do …and more »
Abbott Makes Border Security, Ethics Bills 'Emergency Items'
Gov. Greg Abbott says finding the funding to train and station 500 new state troopers along the Texas-Mexico border is a top priority for the Texas Legislature.