Senate to rebuke Gray, stop Meriden campus closure – The CT Mirror
The CT MirrorSenate to rebuke Gray, stop Meriden campus closureThe CT MirrorThe plans to close the Meriden campus of Middlesex Community College was viewed by a key legislator as a personal affront that raises questions about the fitness of Gregory W. Gray, president of the Board of Board of Regents for Higher Education.and more »

Opportunity Internship Program, "Opening Eyes, Opening Doors"
This exciting program connects low-income high school youth with local employers to provide valuable work experience, ignite their interest in different careers and keep them in school and on track for the next educational step. This program and video is provided by Washington's Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board Http://www.wtb.wa.gov/OpportunityInterns…
Can AISD Enable "Equity"?School board makes another attempt to define and … – Austin Chronicle
Austin ChronicleCan AISD Enable "Equity"?School board makes another attempt to define and …Austin ChronicleConsisting of four board members – plan creators Ted Gordon and Paul Saldaña, board Secretary Jayme Mathias, and At-Large Trustee Kendall Pace – the committee's job is to work out the next step. Saldaña's initial goal for the final study may seem …
Englewood school board considers starting vocational program
ENGLEWOOD – The Board of Education is looking to provide a vocational program for students to learn job skills and trades before entering the workforce.