Reed, Raimondo, financial planners pitch preparation for college loans – Providence Eyewitness News
Reed, Raimondo, financial planners pitch preparation for college loansProvidence Eyewitness News… Warwick Mall location, kicking off a campaign known as College Goal Rhode Island, which helps get students together with financial aid experts and make their way through the complex form known as FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.NEWS: Free financial aid advice available for students and parentsWPROall 34 news articles »
Good Neighbors by Faith Barnidge: Add volunteering to New Year's resolution
Add volunteering to your New Year's resolution list this year! Volunteers do more than make a difference in our community. They enjoy better mental and physical health and as a result, enjoying a longer life.
For those trying to sort through the maze of college options, a Web site … – Washington Post
Washington PostFor those trying to sort through the maze of college options, a Web site …Washington PostShe doesn't know what the business model is for CollegeCompare.com, but she offered a blanket warning to families looking at colleges: “Be attentive to what's promoted as free.” There's a growing industry of companies finding and selling information …and more »