Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn., Rubén Rosario column – Insurance News Net
Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn., Rubén Rosario columnInsurance News Net… Worker in a state that wasn't right-to-work. In a recent blog post before the bill was passed, Ross Eisenberry, the institute's vice president, noted that seven of the 10 states with the worst unemployment rates are right-to-work states. … "In …and more »

Full Video-Obama's 2012 State Of The Union-Enhanced
President Obama delivers his 2012 State of The Union address with additional visuals.
Knight: 'Shared sacrifice' and different governing styles – Pekin Daily Times
Pekin Daily TimesKnight: 'Shared sacrifice' and different governing stylesPekin Daily TimesSince his swearing-in, Dayton hiked the minimum wage (to $9.50/hour by 2018) and raised income taxes on people making more than $150,000 a year by 2 percent (to 9.85 percent). Instead of driving employers away and killing jobs, Dayton added more …
Why Retailers Are Desperate to Keep Their Least-Valuable Workers
A modest bidding war has broken out among the retailers who hire from the bottom of the labor pool, buoyed in part by improving sales. Wal-Mart moved to raise the pay for its lowest- level workers to at least $9 an hour, a decision quickly matched by TJX, the parent company of TJ Maxx and Marshalls.