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Mother Jones Urges Bill O'Reilly To Apologize For 'Violent' Remark After … – Huffington Post

Mother Jones Urges Bill O'Reilly To Apologize For 'Violent' Remark After …Huffington PostMother Jones urged O'Reilly to apologize on air Friday night, but according to a transcript released that afternoon, the Fox News host did not and continued taking aim at the report, which he decried as "a political hit job." In a brief Friday …and more »

Obama: Supreme Court 'About To Make A Shift' On Gay Marriage – Huffington Post

Obama: Supreme Court 'About To Make A Shift' On Gay MarriageHuffington PostPresident Barack Obama predicted Tuesday that the Supreme Court is "about to make a shift" on same-sex marriage, a change he says he welcomes. "My sense is that the Supreme Court is about to make a shift, one that I welcome, which is to recognize that …and more »

The question is whether he’s a murderer': Security guard could face charges for McDonald’s shooting

'There's no doubt that he's a killer,' criminal lawyer David Butt says of the security guard who shot the men. 'The question is whether he's a murderer.'

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