Jose Lambiet: Former security guard sues Tiger Woods over knee injury – (blog) (blog)Jose Lambiet: Former security guard sues Tiger Woods over knee (blog)Speaking of Woods, who's expected in the Cadillac Championship next month in Doral: The golfer stunk up the joint earlier this weekend at the Phoenix Open, but he had better start winning, and soon. Woods, 39, is facing a big financial deadline. In 347 …and more »

Part 01 – Moby Dick Audiobook by Herman Melville (Chs 001-009)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills.
Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville: Http://…
Moby Dick free audiobook at Librivox: Http://…
Moby Dick free eBook at Project Gutenberg: Http://
Moby Dick at Wikipedia: Http://
View a list of all our videobooks: Http://
US-Cuba diplomacy: Will it jeopardize green cards? –
MiamiHerald.comUS-Cuba diplomacy: Will it jeopardize green cards?“As these talks with Cuba continue, I don't see why the United States would pass on the opportunity to try to secure physical removals for these individuals back to Cuba.” … Recently arrived Cuban migrants, interviewed last week outside the Doral …and more »
Big crowds have seen no major incidents, security officials say
World Championships crowds have been large and enthusiastic, and security officials say, so far, everyone has behaved themselves.