Attorneys: Officer fired in self-defense in Ferrell killing – Charlotte Observer
Charlotte ObserverAttorneys: Officer fired in self-defense in Ferrell killingCharlotte ObserverAttorneys for a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer charged in the 2013 shooting death of an unarmed man provided a new account of the killing Friday, saying the officer was attacked and fired in self-defense. In a court filing, lawyers for Randall …and more »

Legal Information : How to Change Your Name
Change your name legally by filling out the proper forms and files required by the state and local courts office. Get help from the local clerk and finalize the process of changing your legal name with advice from a certified family mediator in this free video on legal information.
Expert: Robert Todd
Bio: Robert Todd is the managing partner and president of Robert M. Todd, P.A. And Family Law Solutions.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz.
Both sides rest in federal hearing for former detective Kleinert – Austin American-Statesman
Austin American-StatesmanBoth sides rest in federal hearing for former detective KleinertAustin American-StatesmanThe testimony came on the first day of a hearing for Kleinert, who has been charged with Jackson's killing and is seeking to have his manslaughter case moved to to federal court, where some legal observers have said the former officer could have better …Federal courtroom sees bank surveillance in Kleinert hearingKXAN.comBank employees, agent testify at Kleinert hearingKVUEall 5 news articles »