10 best military banks of 2015 – Las Vegas Review-Journal
10 best military banks of 2015Las Vegas Review-JournalYou'll need to provide a Social Security number, driver's license or government ID, current home address (previous address is required if you've lived there less than two years), a credit card or bank account routing number to fund your account, and an …and more »
Drone crash at White House reveals security risks – USA TODAY
New York TimesDrone crash at White House reveals security risksUSA TODAYJohn Magaw, a former director of the Secret Service, said security officials from the service, U.S. Park Police, D.C. Metropolitan Police and the Defense Department have discussed for months how to thwart drones because they could be launched close to …Drone crashes at White House; hobbyist says it's hisPueblo Chieftainall 2,002 news articles »
How to make companies pay 'independent contractors' properly
Independent contractors, including Uber drivers, franchisees, consultants, and free lancers, are subject to low pay, irregular hours, and job insecurity. In order to protect these workers, we need a better way to determine who qualifies as an employee of a company.