Pay boost OK'd for jail staff amid cries to support deputies – Merced County Times
Pay boost OK'd for jail staff amid cries to support deputiesMerced County TimesUnit 12 is the bargaining group that is part of the Teamsters Local Union 856, and the employees are about 16 Security Systems Operators (SSOs) at both the main jail, John Latorraca and the juvenile detention center. SSOs run the systems and control …

U.S. Marines and Jordanian army joint reconnaissance patrol
Darnell Howard Trial, Day 2: Details of witness testimony from inside the … – WKTV
Darnell Howard Trial, Day 2: Details of witness testimony from inside the …WKTVHe says the noise scared him and he threw the bottle he was picking up in the air and proceeded to go inside the bar. Bartolotti reports hearing 5 or 6 gunshots. Bartolotti says he made … When he got out of his patrol car and people were telling him …and more »