Auction for 'In Dog We Trust' rug ends, goes to highest bidder for $9650 – ABC Action News
ABC Action NewsAuction for 'In Dog We Trust' rug ends, goes to highest bidder for $9650ABC Action NewsThe auction for the now-infamous "In Dog We Trust" rug has ended and it goes to the highest bidder for $9,650 dollars. … A security guard pointed it out to him, and shortly after the photo made an appearance on Twitter, the rug was rolled up and removed.'In Dog We Trust' rug sells for $9650 at auctionWPTV.comall 105 news articles »
Music? Yes. Environment? No
Helen Hawkes RUTH Editor, APN RELAX and Healthy Living Editor, Contributing Editor NSW I am an editor with a broad range of interests including well-being, the environment, politics, lifestyle issues, social trends, sex and relationships and community.
Storm slams East Coast – San Angelo Standard Times
San Angelo Standard TimesStorm slams East CoastSan Angelo Standard Times“I think it's like the situation with Ebola: If you over-cover, people are ready and prepared, rather than not giving it the attention it needs,” said Brandon Bhajan, a New York security guard. National Weather Service director Louis Uccellini said his …'Wicked storm': Blizzard drops 2 feet of snow on New EnglandEl Paso Inc.all 6,648 news articles »