SC Army Guard's 1st female general: women going far – The State
The StateSC Army Guard's 1st female general: women going farThe StateThe Pentagon lifted its ban on women in combat jobs in 2012, but gave the military services time to gradually and systematically integrate women into the male-only front-line positions. Goff is the director of South Carolina's Army and Air Guard …National Guard needs continued investment, generals tell CongressDVIDS (press release) (registration)all 35 news articles »
Start-Up Security Guard Company guardNOW Has Improved Security Services … – Digital Journal
Start-Up Security Guard Company guardNOW Has Improved Security Services …Digital JournalLos Angeles, CA — (ReleaseWire) — 03/24/2015 — Los Angeles based security start-up guardNOW is working to improve the way security services are delivered across the nation. With the use of its online web app technology, its identification scanning …and more »
Patriot Guard’s mission: To honor the memory of fallen service members
The Patriot Guard Riders honor the memory of veterans who pass away by taking part in funeral services, and Kewanee’s Dan Heene is in charge of their efforts in Illinois.