For women in Hollywood, it's time to stop pretending that all is OK – Tuscaloosa News (subscription)
For women in Hollywood, it's time to stop pretending that all is OKTuscaloosa News (subscription)Cate Blanchett arrives on the red carpet at the LA Premiere of “Blue Jasmine” in Los Angeles. Blanchett would later win an Academy Award for her work and use the stage to voice opinions on the equal treatment of women in the entertainment industry.

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Fitch Affirms Guardian's IFS Ratings at 'AA+'; Outlook Stable – Reuters
Fitch Affirms Guardian's IFS Ratings at 'AA+'; Outlook StableReutersIn addition to whole life, Guardian also holds top-tier positions and has had relatively stable performance in its core individual disability and the group insurance markets including group life, dental, and disability. … Downgrade include a …and more »