Crossmatch Introduces New Guardian Ten-print and L Scan Palm Print Livescan … – PR Newswire (press release)
PR Newswire (press release)Crossmatch Introduces New Guardian Ten-print and L Scan Palm Print Livescan …PR Newswire (press release)22, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Crossmatch™, a leading provider of livescan enrollment and multi-factor authentication solutions, announced today during the Global Identity Summit (GIS) the launch of the new Guardian 200 ten-print scanner and introduction of …and more »

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ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS: What if black lives really mattered? – Washington Times
Washington TimesARMSTRONG WILLIAMS: What if black lives really mattered?Washington TimesBy protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates — such as the recent breakup of a Bernard Sanders campaign rally in Seattle — the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic …and more »