HP Helps Schools Fend Off Mounting Cyber Threats – CIO Today
CIO TodayHP Helps Schools Fend Off Mounting Cyber ThreatsCIO TodayIn the eyes of college IT administrators, all these factors contribute to an increasingly high-risk environment. "The university IT environment is a hostile network with tons of devices trying to connect to it," said Brett Weston, Information Security …and more »
Asking If 'Big Gov't Sucks' Got This Girl in Trouble with Cops, Kicked Off Campus (Reason Magazine – Hit and Run)
Lauren Cooley, a 22-year-old journalist and conservative activist, canvassed Broward College last week asking students there whether they agreed that "big government sucks." The question soon answered itself: Campus police officers interrupted Cooley, told her that she had to restrict her activities to the designated "free speech zone," and threatened to arrest her unless she left the campus.
Broward is a Miami-area community college and public institution that hosted a debate between Florida gubernatorial candidates Rick Scott and Charlie Crist last week.
According to _The College Fix_:
> She spent nearly 90 minutes there asking students “Hey, do you think big government sucks?” as she worked to find students interested in signing a petition to launch a Turning Point student club on campus, she said in an interview with _The College Fix._
> As Cooley was leaving the Davie, Florida campus she saw a male student and asked him if he thought big government sucked, and at that point she was told by a campus security guard that she needed to go to the “free-speech area,” she said in an interview Friday with The College Fix.
Cooley recorded the incident. The cops insisted that she was not allowed to speak to students about …