
Hospital Security Guard Duties

Hospital Security Guard Salary | eHow

US to Monitor West Africa Travelers for Ebola Symptoms – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street JournalUS to Monitor West Africa Travelers for Ebola SymptomsWall Street Journal“We have to keep up our guard against Ebola,” said Dr. Frieden during a conference call with reporters. ENLARGE. The active … The Department of Homeland Security also said Tuesday it will start funneling passengers flying out of those countries to …and more »

Another White House Fence Jumper (OTB?format=xml)

Mere hours after a gunman fired shots outside and inside Canada's Parliament, another man jumped the fence at the White House, although this time the Secret Service didn't hesitate to apprehend him: A man jumped the White House fence Wednesday night and was taken into custody after being bitten by a guard dog, officials said, […]

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Posted in Hospital Security Jobs.