How CISOs Can Reframe The Conversation Around Security: 4 Steps – Dark Reading
How CISOs Can Reframe The Conversation Around Security: 4 StepsDark ReadingWhen I joined Baylor University in 1995, the job I have now did not exist. In 2003, I took on the role as coordinator of IT security at the university, but it wasn't until a few years later that the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) role …and more »

DIsney Secret Service.mov
Capitol Hill report calls secret service 'agency in crisis' – KTRK-TV
KTRK-TVCapitol Hill report calls secret service 'agency in crisis'KTRK-TVThe committee also found that agents failed to properly vet multiple armed security guards who were near Obama during a September 2014 visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. During that trip Obama rode an elevator with an …House panel report finds Secret Service 'in crisis,' multiple breaches revealedGazettestandard.com (blog)all 424 news articles »