US employers add 271000 jobs, unemployment rate dips to 5 percent – The San Gabriel Valley Tribune
US employers add 271000 jobs, unemployment rate dips to 5 percentThe San Gabriel Valley TribuneLocally, the transportation and warehousing sector was up by 2.6 percent over the year in September while employment in the local wholesale trade industry rose by 3.2 percent over the year. Southern California's film industry hasn't fared as well.and more »

Air France – France is in the air
Officer sex cases plagued by lax supervision, policies – Press & Sun-Bulletin
Press & Sun-BulletinOfficer sex cases plagued by lax supervision, policiesPress & Sun-BulletinThere are most certainly even more than that, because some states did not provide records and others, including New York and California, said they do not decertify officers for misconduct. … The International Association of Chiefs of Police …