Gov. McAuliffe Reiterates Plan to Reappoint High Court Judge – NBC 29 News
NBC 29 NewsGov. McAuliffe Reiterates Plan to Reappoint High Court JudgeNBC 29 NewsAccordingly, as Governor, I retain power to make appointments to fill critical positions throughout state government in order to fulfill my ultimate responsibility 'to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.' (Constitution of Virginia, Art. V …and more »
They look busy but accomplish very, very little – SaukValley.com
KWQC-TV6They look busy but accomplish very, very littleSaukValley.comAnd one of the hottest is Danny Chasteen, who in July won $250,000 in the Illinois Lottery but, so far, has had to settle for an IOU. The factory foreman from Oglesby is none too happy. “When you buy a winning lottery ticket, you ought to get paid …Scott Reeder: Even Lottery winners stiffed by LegislatureChicago Sun-Timesall 34 news articles »