Why immigration activists chose to heckle Perry – Houston Chronicle
Why immigration activists chose to heckle PerryHouston ChronicleThe optics of the Perry protest weren't lost on some political observers, who noted just a few years ago the then-presidential candidate was under fire from conservatives for defending the Texas DREAM Act and suggesting its opponents "don't have a …and more »
Could France Adopt Legislation Similar To Patriot Act? (newsy-allvideos)
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Following terror attacks in France that left 17 people dead, the country has mobilized 10,000 troops to guard against any future violence. Of course, there's fear of another attack, but now there's also fear of a growing police state in France.
After 9/11, American officials ushered in the USA Patriot Act, which allowed for roving wiretaps and the indefinite detention of immigrants.
Now some outlets are predicting there will be calls for similar law- enforcement powers to what is allotted in the Patriot Act to be implemented in France.
That's because there does seem to be a missed opportunity to prevent the attacks from authorities.
The men behind the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Said and Cherif Kouachi, were already on U.K. And U.S. Terror watch lists and Amedy Coulibaly, the man who killed four hostages at Kosher grocery store and a policewoman the day before, had a previous conviction for planning to free a known militant from prison.
But if French lawmakers do decide to push similar legislation, it might prove a bit challenging.
The Patriot Act remains controversial in the U.S. Nearly 14 years after being signed into law, and similar enforcements could draw even harsher …
Legislation gives VA Secretary more authority
Willie Glover, a National Guard soldier awarded an honorable discharge for his service in the Persian Gulf War, sometimes wishes he had died overseas so he wouldn’t have faced the “unbearable” pain of navigating the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system. During two weeks of rain, military records show, the Aiken County veteran cracked five vertebrae in his neck and injured his right …
Obama's Alaska proposal draws fire – The Register-Guard
Sacramento BeeObama's Alaska proposal draws fireThe Register-GuardJUNEAU, Alaska — President Obama is proposing to designate the vast majority of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a wilderness area, including its potentially oil-rich coastal plain, drawing an angry response from top state elected officials …Adventures in Obama's Imaginary WorldCommentary Magazineall 602 news articles »