Tofino whale-watching vessel had passed stability test: Transport Canada – Times Colonist
National PostTofino whale-watching vessel had passed stability test: Transport CanadaTimes ColonistThe ship capsized on Sunday with 27 people on board, about 15 kilometres from the tourist community of Tofino, which is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Five British nationals died and a 27-year-old male from Australia is … “A vessel's …Sunken whale-watching boat may reveal dataTheChronicleHerald.caEquipment that could provide more answers recovered from sunken BC boatCityNewsall 229 news articles »

British Royal Navy ship HMS Westminster off the Libyan coast
2000 year old 'computer' discovered: How tech and shipwrecks are rewriting … – TechRepublic
TechRepublic2000 year old 'computer' discovered: How tech and shipwrecks are rewriting …TechRepublic"There's other circumstantial evidence that points to this being the first grain carrier ever discovered, and that's the luxury goods that were carried onboard and also the presence of skeletal remains of a young woman," said Foley. Remains of … The …