
Night Security Jobs in NJ

The Day The Space Age Began

Paterson mayor unveils plans for programs aimed at repeat criminals – NorthJersey.com

NorthJersey.comPaterson mayor unveils plans for programs aimed at repeat criminalsNorthJersey.comTorres told 250 people who packed a community meeting at School 25 Tuesday night that city officials have been in discussions with an organization that wants to open a residential program for recently-released inmates in Paterson's 4th Ward. Torres …

Cameras in the Streets: Focus on Justice

From the earliest cave paintings to the Mass Observers of Great Britain, chronicling the everyday has been a preoccupation of humankind. 1 And on rare occasions a face in the crowd has captured something extraordinary, such as when Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Casper family recalls James Reeb in civil rights movement – SunHerald.com

Casper family recalls James Reeb in civil rights movementSunHerald.comHe served in the Army, attended school in Minnesota (where he changed his last name to Reeb), went to Princeton and settled on the East Coast, moving from New Jersey, to Philadelphia, to Washington D.C., to Boston. … "So my dad being my dad said, 'I …and more »


Posted in Security Guard Night Shift.