Keep the Spending Caps – Heritage.org
Heritage.orgKeep the Spending CapsHeritage.orgThe economy and jobs have picked up steam as the government has shrunk, refuting the Keynesian gospel of the left. Indeed, less … These caps and sequester are a byproduct of the famous 2011 “debt ceiling” negotiations between Obama and House Speaker …and more »
Will the Medicare 'Doc Fix' Lead to Real Entitlement Reform? – The Fiscal Times
The Fiscal TimesWill the Medicare 'Doc Fix' Lead to Real Entitlement Reform?The Fiscal Times“The truth is we could work for bigger things too,” McConnell said. “We could work together to save and strengthen Medicare, to protect Social Security for future generations, to balance the budget and put our growing national debt on a path to …
Tamarkin workers face severance vote
Giant Eagle's plan to close the Tamarkin grocery distribution center is bringing heartbreak for workers and their families. The decision was made after the last vote on a labor contract proposal was defeated by four votes.