
PILB Security Guard Exam

People power frees man from train platform gap – The West Australian – The West Australian

The West AustralianPeople power frees man from train platform gap – The West AustralianThe West AustralianThe Perth commuter who made headlines around the world after getting his leg caught between a train carriage and the platform yesterday says he was in 'a bit of shock' as fellow passengers rallied to free him. Public Transport Authority security vision …and more »

Rail an issue in the Frankston corridor to power – The Australian

Rail an issue in the Frankston corridor to powerThe AustralianServices have since improved and Ms Bauer says trains are now twice as frequent and the public loves the policy of security guards being on duty at stations. “The punctuality rate was 60 per cent and now it's 94 per cent,'' she said. A redistribution …and more »

Transfer power to the people

Many of the generals and flag officers had been corrupted by the regime and, in the eyes of their juniors, no longer deserved their loyalty and obedience.


Posted in Security Guard Ministry Test.