Sexting on the rise, police raise awareness in Plymouth – WSBT-TV
WSBT-TVSexting on the rise, police raise awareness in PlymouthWSBT-TV… School to educate students on cyber crime awareness. "I'm concerned for your privacy and I want you to be private even from people like me," says Cyber Crime Expert Eric Tamashasky. … "During these investigations I would speak with other children …and more »
Former US Attorney for DC Rejoins WilmerHale – Big Law Business (blog)
Big Law Business (blog)Former US Attorney for DC Rejoins WilmerHaleBig Law Business (blog)Prior to his appointment as U.S. Attorney, Machen was a partner at WilmerHale and a member of the firm's Investigations and Criminal Litigation Practice. Before entering into private practice, Machen served from 1997 to 2001 as an Assistant U.S …Former US Attorney Ron Machen Is Heading Back to His Former Law FirmWashingtonian.com (blog)Former US Attorney Ron Machen Joins WilmerHale's Investigations, Criminal …GlobeNewswire (press release)all 7 news articles »
Freed inmate files $40 million lawsuit against NU, others
A man imprisoned for nearly 15 years before his murder conviction was thrown out by Cook County prosecutors filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Northwestern University and a former journalism professor and private investigator, accusing them of coercing him into making a false confession.