The Daily Reflector – Greenville Daily Reflector
Greenville Daily ReflectorThe Daily ReflectorGreenville Daily ReflectorJobs will be cut at a Greenville substance abuse treatment center and patients once covered by Medicare now must pay for their care on a sliding scale following the center's decertification, a state administrator said. The Federal Centers for Medicare …and more »

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Housing Liveblog day 6: Firsties get the worsties – CU Columbia Spectator
CU Columbia SpectatorHousing Liveblog day 6: Firsties get the worstiesCU Columbia SpectatorIt's the penultimate day of housing selection, which means the pickings are slim and the slims are shady. There are mostly doubles left for the first-years, all in McBain, Nussbaum, Broadway, and Wein. There is, however, one 7-person suite left in …and more »