Solitary Confinement: Punished for Life – New York Times
New York TimesSolitary Confinement: Punished for LifeNew York TimesSealed for years in a hermetic environment — one inmate likened the prison's solitary confinement unit to “a weapons lab or a place for human experiments” — prisoners recounted struggling daily to maintain their sanity. They spoke of longing to catch …

Brutality at Rikers — NYT Rikers Report (Part 1 of 2)
Kalief Browder, Held at Rikers Island for 3 Years Without Trial, Commits Suicide – New York Times
The New YorkerKalief Browder, Held at Rikers Island for 3 Years Without Trial, Commits SuicideNew York TimesKalief Browder was sent to Rikers Island when he was 16 years old, accused of stealing a backpack. Though he never stood trial or was found guilty of any crime, he spent three years at the New York City jail complex, nearly two of them in solitary …Kalief Browder, 1993–2015The New YorkerBronx man who was beaten and kept in solitary confinement as a teen at Rikers …New York Daily NewsMan jailed at Rikers Island without charges for 3 years commits suicideRTall 241 news articles »