Why your company needs a chief privacy officer – InfoWorld
InfoWorldWhy your company needs a chief privacy officerInfoWorldPrivacy problems are embedded in nearly every component of computer security — so much so, I propose updating the well-known security triad of CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) to CIPA, with a pillar dedicated to privacy. Sure, it can …
Taxis drop downtown security to compete with Uber – DesMoinesRegister.com
Taxis drop downtown security to compete with UberDesMoinesRegister.comHis company dropped Court Avenue security about two weeks ago. He said the cost of security was about $500 per weekend. Lillis, who also represents several Des Moines limousine companies, voiced concerns Monday about a new vehicle-for-hire …and more »
St. John’s, Commissionaires parting ways
City hall contracts out security work, non-profit group underbid.