In Emergencies, Companies Are Turning to Employee-Tracking Services – New York Times
New York TimesIn Emergencies, Companies Are Turning to Employee-Tracking ServicesNew York TimesGone are the days when firms used hard-paper itineraries to keep track of travelers; now GPS technology allows employers to locate employees in circumstances like the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Sydney. If an emergency occurs, … But no …
JS Mueller & Co Legal 2UE Interview 28.09.14
Partner, Bruce Bentley, JS Mueller & Co talks Home Warranty Protection NSW with Clive Robertson 2UE.
NextDC S1 picked to house Barracuda's Australian Cloud storage
Californian appliance-based security and storage company, Barracuda Networks , has launched a local Cloud storage service which will utilise NextDC 's Sydney S1 datacentre. The S1 is located in Macquarie Park and contains 5600sqm of technical space with a rack capacity of 2800. The facility was opened in October 2013. RELATED: NextDC opens Sydney datacentre The datacentre will be used to support …
Outlook for retail operations important for Auckland airport – Otago Daily Times
Outlook for retail operations important for Auckland airportOtago Daily TimesForsyth Barr estimated duty free represented about 63% of retail income for the income company, Mr Rooney said. That was much higher than Sydney Airport's 56% of duty free contribution to total retail income but he expected duty free income to fall to …