"We murdered some folks" in Guantanamo – OpEdNews
"We murdered some folks" in GuantanamoOpEdNewsMurder at Camp Delta is a new book by Joseph Hickman, a former guard at Guantanamo. It's neither fiction nor speculation. When President Obama says "We tortured some folks," Hickman provides at least three cases — in addition to many others we know …
King Abdullah will be remembered as a reformer
Saudi leader embarked on unprecedented judicial and educational reforms to tackle extremism.
Exporting Fascism: US Imperialism in Latin America – Axis of Logic
Axis of LogicExporting Fascism: US Imperialism in Latin AmericaAxis of LogicOne of the leading critics against the agency is former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell, who resigned from his post in the late 70s. In his book The Praetorian Guard, he concludes, “Now more clearly than ever, the CIA, with its related institutions …and more »